About Us
In 2011, Long Range Accuracy's founder David Kohnow recognized the need for a better bipod that would better suit ultra long range shooting. The industry needed something that was stable, easily leveled with a low rotational axis, and lightweight, yet still handle the recoil of the 50BMG and 338 calibers with ease.
After a few revisions, the LRA Lite-Tactical Long Leg Bipod was born. A short leg model was added soon after, along with an LT F-Class model for the larger chassis that have a higher bore axis.
Over the years, LRA has formed a significant following in the long range community and specialized government entities based upon its features, performance, consistent quality, and its perfection as a precise and durable product.
In 2018, David sold Long Range Accuracy to its current owners, Larry Cole and Clifton Wilson. Both come from precision manufacturing and engineering backgrounds and own manufacturing facilities. The new owners originally became interested in Long Range Accuracy because the quality of the product spoke for itself and aligned with the standards that they each hold in their respective businesses.
LRA is dedicated to upholding the highest quality standards, while also being able to add a significant amount of manufacturing capability to the brand. Our USA-made products are manufactured in our facilities located in Maine. With this added capability and capacity for the product line, LRA is looking forward to providing the industry with high quality American-made products that are readily available and supported for all customers.
LRA is dedicated to staying innovative and will be adding new bipod models and new products to the lineup in the near future. Stay tuned...